Football  Pro  99----Stats  Project
Play Design Tips
These pages are dedicated to the understanding of both Offensive and Defensive play design. The what to do's and the what not to do's. It looks like  "Defensive" play design will be rather limited in order to achieve somewhat NFL accurate stats game after game season after season.
If you have any to share please send them in and I'll post them.
Offense                                     Defense
Some play design (Rule / Logic) to take  note of.
(Thanks to Philip Brown)
 1. I have noticed that on pass plays if the TE is suppose to block and release to a spot, he almost never makes the release. (PB)
2. I have also noticed that the block nearest defender can sometimes get your own men blocked or a tackle attempt on your ball carrier. (PB)
3. The "ice" blocking does not seem to work for me. (MC)