revised 6/16/95 

Sierra Technical Support        Phone:  (206) 644-4343
PO Box 85006                    FAX:    (206) 644-7697
Bellevue, WA  98015-8506        BBS:    (206) 644-0112

PLEASE NOTE:  This document contains game play information only.
if you are having a technical problem with Football '95, please
download the file FB95FAQ.TXT.

Technical Support has limited information on Football '95 strategy and 
game play hints.   This document contains answers to some frequently-
asked questions.  For additional game play information, Sierra 
recommends the Football '95 manual and on-line forums that address 
sports simulations.  CompuServe and America On-Line have active 
forums where you can obtain valuable information from your fellow 
football fans!

In addition, there is a good tutorial on page 19 of the manual. However, 
there are three plays that the tutorial asks you to load that are not 
included with version 1.0 of FBPRO. Instead of trying to load the 
HBLEADER substitute it with F3WRLR. You can use the 34ZONMED 
when it asks you to select 3-4BNCKL. The ISHORT will work in place 
of the SLICE2RT pass play.   If you have installed the patch, then the 
tutorial plays will appear as shown in the manual. 

Question:  How do I create a league using the NFL Roster?
Answer:  From the main menu, take these steps:
        1.  Click on League Play.
        2.  Click on League Data.
        3.  Click on New League.
        4.  Choose Career or Single Season.
        5.  Choose the desired League Size.
        6.  Click the Select Team button.
        7.  If a league appears other than the NFLPA roster in the 
            windows on the grey box, choose the load league button.
        8.  Find the NFLPA roster you want to use and double click on it.
        9.  Find the team you want and double click on it, which should 
            highlight it in red.
        10. Click the Select Team button.
        11. Locate the team in this window and double click on it.  Note:  
            You need to repeat step 9 through 11 for each team in your league.
        12. Once you have selected every team click on Return.
        13. If you select the 'Draft all players' option, all players will 
            be released from their current teams to a draft pool for you 
            to select from.
        14. Now, click on the Ground Rules section and set up your 
            leagues rules.  Note: These rules cannot be changed once you have
            saved your league.
        15. You now want to go to the manage teams screen and make 
            your selections.
        16. You have created your league! Give your league a name and save it.

Question:  How can I choose the team I want to play as?
Answer:  From the main menu, take the following steps:
        1. Click on League play.
        2. Click on Teams and Standings.
        3. Double click on the name of the team you want to control.
        4. Go to the Team Data button.
        5. Click on the window next to ownership. Enter your password 
           and confirm it.
        6. You are now the owner and manager of that team.

Question:  I do not like the new camera angles. How can I change them?
Answer:  From the play field screen, take these steps:
        1.  Press F10 on the playing field.
        2.  You will have the option to setup any camera angle you like.
        3.  Click on the camera controls buttons at the top of the screen 
            to get the desired camera position.
        4.  Once you have positioned the camera press the red square 
            next to the MODE window.
        5.  You can now press on any one of the buttons marked 1-0 and 
            it will program that number of the keyboard to switch to this
            angle.  Page 77 in your manual explains this in detail.

Question:  I want to backup my league files but I don't know which 
ones to back up. 
Answer:  There are seven files created for each league you make. The 
prefix of the file names will be the name that you gave the league with 
the following file extensions:

Just copy these files to another location.

Question:  I can snap the ball but after I do this the computer takes 
control of the game. What can I do?
Answer:  The computer only takes over if you are in the Basic action 
mode. You should set the game to either Advanced or Standard mode. 
You can make the change by pressing F1 while on the playing field.

Question:  How come when I go to call a play it only says 'Run Right', 
'Pass Middle', etc? Why can't I see where my receivers are going?
Answer:  You are in the Basic play calling mode. You need to select 
Standard play calling mode to see the plays.  You can make the change 
by pressing F1 while on the playing field.

Question:  I want to know how many first downs I have so far, but I am 
only 1 minute into the second quarter of the game. Can I see these or do 
I have to wait until halftime?
Answer:  You can view your stats at anytime during the game by 
pressing the F2 button while on the playing field.

Question:  Another team has offered me three different people for one 
of my players, I want all three but I am only allowed to select one of 
these offers.
Answer: You can only make one for one trades in Football '95. You 
will want to select wisely when this occurs.

Question:  I have created my own play. What do I do now?
Answer:  You can implement your play into a game plan by going into 
the play editor and: 
        1. Select plan/profile.
        2. Load game plan.
        3. Edit game plan.
        4. Load your play into the view window.
        5. Select the spot where you want your play to be located.
        6. Right click on this spot to clear the space.
        7. Left click on this empty space to insert your play.
        8. When saving this game plan, be sure to rename it so you do 
           not erase the original game plan.

Question:  How can I import my stock plays from FBPro to FBPro95?
Answer:  You can't import the stock plays to FBPro95 as they are. You 
need to enter the play editor in FBpro and load the stock play that you 
want to transfer to FBPro95. Once you have it loaded, click on the save 
button and retitle the play. You now have this play saved as a custom 
play and it can be imported into FBPro95.

Question:  I am in the roster screen and cannot change the depth slot of 
my player. How can I do this?
Answer:  You need to turn to the position rosters instead of the full 
offense or defense roster. Once you have turned to the specified position 
roster then you can move the players depth.

Whenever you make changes to a play, plan or profile, make sure that 
you rename the file after you have made the changes. If you save the 
changes and do not retitle it, then you have lost the original format of the 
item you changed. The only way to restore this is to reinstall the game.

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